On the right to expression...

UDHR Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Banksy Protest Art

The right to expression is one that mediates our interpersonal relationships, creating both spoken and implicit rules of interaction, as well as a mutual framework on which we dictate our social engagements. As the boundary between the digital and physical worlds becomes increasingly blurry, the right to expression on the internet must be perceived as a continuation of how this right ought to govern both our in-person and digital interactions. We cannot look at these two mediums as separate spheres; rather, we must understand expression in the digital world as a continuation of how it is manifested in our daily interactions in the physical world.

The internet is inherently a community space. While what is accepted online will change from platform to platform or user group to user group, respectful interaction on the internet is predicated on the assumption that we think of ourselves as an influential part of this digital community.

Sources for our project